It’s Been Forever And A Day
|It’s been forever and a day since my last post and so much has happened in my life all for the positive. First and foremost I got to marry my beautiful wife Stacey. We we had a wonderful day with people we love and it was a wonderful time.
As if the wedding wasn’t enough excitement for one year Stacey and I also brought into the world a beautiful baby girl this past January. Athena came 5 weeks early but that has never stopped her from providing endless amounts of joy for us and our extended families.
So to say that life has not changed for me would be the understatement of the century but with that has come a renewed passion for photography of my life, wife, beautiful little girl and beyond. As things start to get down to a predictable routine, you see I’m still trying to figure out this fatherhood thing, so will regular posts to this blog and I look forward to highlighting the things I’ve been doing.